Thursday, September 29, 2011

Life: New Blog?

What an amazingly frightening experience it is to fly by the seat of your pants (what an astoundingly hilarious image that saying provokes). (My brother Luke would already be annoyed by those two adverbs. But fuck that, adverbs are fun for me) I have lately felt like my pants were flying. With me in them. And luckily my pants seem to know where they're going because I sure don't. Not yet. But maybe I can relax and enjoy that wall of air that hits so hard you lose your breath. It is odd that too much wind can have the same effect on your lungs as waves and waves of too much water. You'd think plenty of air coming at your nose would be a good thing, but oftentimes it is suffocating. They should make snorkels for that. Is that a thing? Are there people that can only breath so much air at once? Is that what happens if you breathe too much smoke for too much of your life?

Well anyway. This blog is for all my random stuff. I had a blog in Atlanta called "AtlantaReads" which was highly entertaining (adverb!) to maintain and, I hope, to read. But I have since moved from Atlanta and am back in Auburn, AL were I went to college. It was a bizarre turn of events that brought me back. I like plans and I like to stick to the plans and my chest gets tight if I veer from the plan. This can be anything as little as going out to eat with the bf instead of watching Dances with Wolves, or something much larger like, "Hey, Becky! (This is your conscience talking!) I know you had major plans to become an actress. Immediately. I know you've moved to Atlanta and have started a life and been auditioning, buuuuuuut. Wouldn't it be fun to do something else?" And I'm like, "Um. What the fuck? No." But sometimes, you can't escape something. It's very odd and difficult to explain. Because I didn't think anything, anything fulfilled me as much as acting. And I love reaching people and living another life on stage. I love characters and I love making people see glimmers of themselves in others. I got my BFA in Acting at Auburn. My parents paid lots of money for me to follow my dream. And now.......fuuuuuuuuuck

I came back to Auburn and I was only going to stay for a week after the 4th of July. Except that week turned into two weeks. And then two weeks turned into a month. And then I had to make a serious adult, big girl panties decision. I broke my lease early and quit my Atlanta job and was homeless in Auburn for quite some time. It was scary. It's still scary. But I have an apartment now, thank God. And I've given it a lot of thought. A lot of thought. And I will be pursuing my graduate degree in speech pathology. But I have to pass the GRE first and all that fun stuff.

I'm not sure who will read this and I'm not sure if I want to post it to facebook just yet. I promise the blog entries won't always be this long. Honestly, though, I haven't written anything at all in a long time. And it's funny but it's because I'm broke. I'm insanely particular about the journals that I write in (I've kept journals almost continually since I was in 1st grade). But because I am broke and jobless (I got fired, but that's another delicious story for another time) I can't afford to even look at journals. So, this blog is free and for right now that's cool with me. 

I'll be posting random shit on here. And I'm trying not to cuss so much. There might be shades of "AtlantaReads" on here, but an Auburn version, obviously. We'll just have to find out, you and I.


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